You must provide photo identification and pay a membership fee to get a membership. Your identification will be used as your membership card. If you do not want your identification as your membership card we can provide you with a paper card that will be your membership, however you must provide identification each time you visit the establishment. All membership information is strictly confidential and no personal information will be recorded or accessible by anyone.
We have Lockers, Private Rooms, Steam Room, Hot Tub, Showers, 2 porn lounges, Glory Holes, and kink play area.
Everyday is completely different with how busy it may be, but there is usually someone always there.
Evenings, and weekends have grown in popularity
Our Policy for all members is that you must have M or X under gender on your identification and we ask that if you are non-binary (X), you be Masc presenting when you check in.
No, there is not a dress code.
Just be fully dressed when coming to check in and if need to leave for a smoke, food, or a drink at the bar you must be fully dressed when doing those.